Welcome to EUHASS

EUHASS is a pharmacovigilance program to monitor the safety of treatments for people with inherited bleeding disorders in Europe. Haemophilia treatment centres report adverse events directly to the EUHASS website and regular surveillance reports are produced.

Haemophilia Centre Locator

Search for information about Haemophilia Centres across Europe using a computer or a mobile device.

Participating Centres

Participating Haemophilia treatment centres report adverse events directly to the EUHASS web application.

Aggregated Data

Event TypeReported
Allergic/Other Acute172
Transfusion Transmitted Infections
Inhibitors – first occurrence443
Inhibitors – recurrence49
Total Adverse Events (Since October 2008)2385

Project Administration

This secure SharePoint system is to aide the EUHASS Project Administration Team.

European Database of Products

EUHASS maintains a publicly accessible list of all clotting factor concentrates used in Europe. The directory is searchable and gives the product characteristics.

Haemophilia Centre Database

EUHASS maintains a database of all the Haemophilia Centres in Europe with details of how they can be accessed by patients.